Calling in Your Hearts Desire: Use the 369 manifestation method to co-create with the Quantum Field

The numbers 3…6…9…were considered a powerful portal by Nicola Tesla, that when used in sequence, 3 times in the morning, 6 times throughout the day and 9 times at night for 33 days, will invite an energetic space that transmits an attraction frequency and calls in your positive intention. When you connect to the Biofield where energy and information surrounds and penetrates the human body you become a master of manifesting and learn to trust how your core essence will always express your highest good.

The law of attraction calls for an understanding of the language the electromagnetic field responds to, whether you are longing for better health, delightful relationships or increased physical security.

If you have been skeptical about the manifestation process let yourself be guided in this approach that calls on gratitude and your senses to align with universal laws and attract your hearts desire. The universe wants what you want.

17:43 minutes