Pure Freedom: Cut energetic cords that hold you hostage to people or to the past.

A meditative exercise designed to take you from co- dependence to independence to revelling in the empowered state of freedom.

It is hard to feel vibrant and free when your energy is hooked into another person or situation…or their energy is hooked into you. This is true for parents, lovers, children, even friends where unconscious ties prevent you from being your best self.

This active meditation will guide you to cut unhealthy energetic cords that connect you to others in an unwanted way. You know you need a relationship clean up if you can’t stop thinking about a specific person or situation. Post break up or after trauma or even when you find yourself hooked into an upset or trigger, you will benefit from the energetic hygiene embodied in this process.

If finding peace, forgiveness or the freedom to simply move on with ease is feeling elusive try cutting the emotional cords that bind you and watch a whole new world of possibility open up. Once you are connected to your internal power source you will be better able to make decisions and take clear actions to live your best life.

28:38 minutes